Do you have any update on my previous email?
If this is of your interest I would be very happy to share the counts and pricing details.
From: Crystal Petersson
Sent: 25 May 2023 12:14
To: scunningham2.investor@blogger.com
Subject: Agents and Brokers
Just emailing you to see if you’re Interested in updated email list of “Commercial Real Estate Agents and Brokers” across the USA 2023?
Few Lists:
1) Commercial Real Estate Agents and Brokers
2) Mortgage Agents and Brokers
3) Real Estate Agents and Brokers
4) Property Managers
5) Home Builders
6) Construction Companies
7) Landscaping Services and Many More..,
Can I have your Target Audience and Geography? So I can provide you more information on counts, price and some samples to check our data quality.
Looking forward to hearing from you!!
__ __
Crystal Petersson | Marketing Executive |USA|
Note: If you do not wish to receive our email kindly reply back with “Not Interested” in the subject line.